Tarragona (Spain)

One Catalan legend holds that Tarragona was named for Tarraho, eldest son of Tubal in c. 2407 BC; another (derived from Strabo and Megasthenes) attributes the name to 'Tearcon the Ethiopian', a 7th-century BC pharaoh who supposedly campaigned in Spain. The real founding date of Tarragona is unknown.

In Roman times, the city was named Tarraco and was capital of the province of Hispania Tarraconensis (after being capital of Hispania Citerior in the Republican era). The Roman colony founded at Tarraco had the full name of Colonia Iulia Urbs Triumphalis Tarraco

The Roman ruins of Tarraco have been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Part of the bases of large Cyclopean walls near the Cuartel de Pilatos are thought to pre-date the Romans. The building just mentioned, a prison in the 19th century, is said to have been the palace of Augustus. The 2nd century amphitheatre, near the sea-shore, was extensively used as a quarry after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and but few vestiges of it now remain.

The Cathedral, dating to the 12th-13th centuries, combines Romanesque and Gothic architectural elements.

The twenty closest neighbours in the database:

Monestir de Santa Maria de Poblet (32 km), Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey (72 km), Palau and Park Güell (83 km), Barcelona (Spain) (84 km), Sagrada Família (84 km), Perpignan (France) (222 km), Valencia (Spain) (229 km), Lourdes (France) (244 km), Carcassonne (France) (250 km), Pamplona (Spain) (305 km), Biarritz (France) (349 km), San Sebastián (Spain) (362 km), Aigues-Mortes (France) (364 km), Nîmes (France) (396 km), Rocamadour (France) (410 km), Miramas le Vieux (France) (413 km), Pont du Gard (414 km), Sarlat-la-Canéda (France) (419 km), Bilbao (Spain) (420 km), Estadio Bernabéu (422 km)

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