Milwaukee (USA)
The twenty closest neighbours in the database:
Chicago (USA) (128 km),
The Art Institute of Chicago (131 km),
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village (390 km),
Detroit (USA) (404 km),
St. Louis (USA) (527 km),
Toronto (Canada) (689 km),
Ottawa (Canada) (1,006 km),
Washington D.C. (USA) (1,022 km),
Atlanta (USA) (1,076 km),
Montreal (Canada) (1,173 km),
New York (USA) (1,177 km),
Boston (USA) (1,376 km),
Houston (USA) (1,619 km),
Galveston (USA) (1,650 km),
Austin (USA) (1,669 km),
Orlando (USA) (1,715 km),
San Antonio (USA) (1,772 km),
Bandera (USA) (1,783 km),
Yellowstone National Park (1,816 km),
Miami (USA) (2,041 km)
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